Bear Basics Lyrics


It's a long journey, But I am not worried, I just chomp away.

My name is Pac-Man, That's what I said, man. And that's all I wanna be.

It's an unsafe journey, It's gonna be murky, but I'll be alright, everyone's counting on me.

It may be sca-ry, I should be wa-ry, but these bears are no match for me.

I'll Rev-Roll up those steep in-clines and Butt-Bounce all the way to my vic-tory.

If I believe in myself, I can do anything. I can swim like a frog, I can fly like a bee, I am basically just what I believe. There's nothing to it.

Nothing to it.

Those nasty ghosts are up to no good again, I'll have to give them a whoopin'.

Once I gather all of the golden fruit, I'll return home and defeat Spooky again.

Being a Pac-Man, Yeah that's what I said, man. That's just all I wanna be.

I'll take on whatever comes along, get all the golden fruit, and defeat Spooky again.

Wakka Wakka, Yeah Yeah!

The Pac-Man is back!

Being a Pac-Man is great! (Being a Pac-Man is great!)

...But this time there's no cake. (But this time there's no cake.)

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