Wolfgang - Song Semenelin Lyrics & Music

Wolfgang - Song Semenelin Lyrics & Music

On an uncharted isle

A group of ground diggers toil

To try to find what remains are lying

Beneath the darkened soil

With their axes constantly pounding

And their shovels breaking through the ground

It was about daybreak when someone shouted

He had heard an awkward sound

Oh my! Here we've found something

Oh yeah! What could it be

I can hear my heart pounding

It's the Nobel Prize for me

All went close to pay attention

To what it was that made them run

A piece of metal shone in the opening

With the rising sun

From under the ground they saw it rise

No one knew what was coming

An ancient machine stood before their eyes

If they only knew what they were doing

Tatooed across the monsters back

Was one word written down in black

(From origins unknown)

Where did it begin? The mighty behemoth


At once, the military came

They were there to investigate

And they sent the soldiers in

To see what they could locate

Hands quickly started to pry

Levers were pulled, God knows why

The turbines began to hum

The machine was on

It tore the ground beneath them

And created lava pools

An excellent burial

For this ship of sinking fools

Someone built it up to hold a mighty reign

Over his steadfast domain

The world now shudders

In it's bulk

To the rotting hulk

As payment for our sins

To the mighty monarch


Wolfgang - Song Semenelin Lyrics & Music

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