One Test More Lyrics

[transcribed by youtube user hapahelene! video can be found here]

Valjean: One test more - Another grade, another pass to curve - This agonizing road to our major - (?) ... have screwed us in the ass again - One test more
Marius: I did not pee before the test - How can I pee now that it's started?
Valjean: One test more
Cosette and Marius: (?) ... will not last the rest - But the TA's being retarded
Eponine: One more test for me to fail
Cosette and Marius: Won't you please... (?)
Eponine: One more test for them to bell-curve
Cosette and Marius: ... use restrooms... by the door(?)
Eponine: My ambition's almost dead
Cosette and Marius: Guess we'll just pee on the floor
Eponine: In this engineering hell
Enjolras: I can't do this class much more
Marius: Do you think I'm going to cheat?
Enjoras: So I'm dropping out forever
Marius: Shall I bribe you with some cash?
Enjolras: I'll get hammered in my dorm
Marius: I was never good at math
Enjolras: I can't take it, I don't care
Group: The time is now, the end is near
Valjean: One test more
Javert: This is your examination... + (utterly incomprehensible due to cheering) + You'll remember where you're from Thenardiers: Teacher gives a fuck (?) / We're a little drunk / (?) / Table's really slick and think I'm gonna fall + (?)
Group: Will we ever reach employment? Raise our income levels high? We'll start cheating off Troy Ming
Troy Ming: Dammit!
Group: We'll start cheating off Troy Ming! Will we test for our employment? Will we test to be employed? + (?) +
Marius: I'll say it here, This test is fucked!
Valjean: One test more! + {Layered repetition}
Group: Tomorrow we'll discover what our education has in store, One big test, One more test, One test more!

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