Chata - Nocte of Desperatio Lyrics English

もう,誰にも頼らない (0:01)
mou, dare ni mo tayora nai
I depend on no one anymore

誰に分ってもらう必要はない (0:05)
dare ni wakatte morau hitsuyou ha nai
It isn't neccessary for you to understand


まどかを戦わせない (0:11)
Madoka wo tatakawa se nai
Don't fight Madoka


鈍色の空    (0:40)
nibi iro no sora
The dull color of the sky

暗闇が大地を染めてゆく  (0:45)
kurayami ga taichi wo someteyuku
Darkness Colors the earth

この色褪せた世界の全てが   (0:50)
kono iroaseta sekai no subete ga
The world of which all has faded

奈落へ沈む   (0:57)
naraku he shizumu
It sinks towards hell

「あなたを守りたい」 (1:00)
anata wo mamoritai
"I'll Protect you"

願うだけては明日へ辿りつけない (1:09)
negaiu dakete wa asu he tadori tsukenai
Embrace the hope that tomorrow brings

小さな肩を震わせて言った (1:19)
chiisana kata wo furuwase teritta
I shook a small shoulder and said...

「元気でね」 と (1:26)
"genki dene" to
"Take care" and

私を守る誇りを (1:29)
watashi wo mamoru hokori wo
Pride to protect me

勇気に変えて (1:32)
yuuki ni kaete
Change it into Courage

たった独りでも (1:36)
tatta hitori demo
But only alone

繰り返す.私は何度でも繰返す  (1:41)
Kurikaesu. Watashi wa Nani tabi demo kurikaesu
It repeats. I have repeated it many times.

同じ時間を度巡り,たったーつの出探る (1:47)
touji toki aida wo nani tabi mo meguri, tattaatsu no doguchi wo saguru
We look around at the same time, and seek the only way out.

あなたを,絶望の運命から救い出す道を (1:54)
anata wo, zetsubou dei no unmei kara sukuidasu michi wo
The way which rescues you from the fate of despair

邂逅の時 (1:58)
kaikou no toki
The Opening Time

差し仲べられた手が (2:03)
sashi na berareta te ga
Our Shining Relationship in Hand

こんなにもか細いなんて (2:06)
konnanimo kabosoi nante
To be so frail like

思いもしなかった (2:13)
omoi moshi nakatta
I didn't think

あの変動に (2:15)
ano endo ni
For that change

必ず報いたい (2:18)
kanarazu mukuitai
I want to repay it by all means

あなたに会えて (2:27)
anata ni iete
Can meet you

私は変われたのに (2:30)
watashi wa kawareta no ni
in that I was able to change

繰り返す悪夢 (2:37)
kuri kaesu akumu
A nightmare to repeat itself

実らない犠牲 (2:40)
minoranai gisei
The sacrifice that doesn't grow

世界の果てで (2:43)
sekai no hate de
at the world's end

何度あなたの亡骸抱いて (2:48)
nani do anata no nakigara daite
What will hold your dead body?

咽び哭いただろうか (2:52)
musebi naita daruu ka
I choke myself crying

届かない声 (2:57)
todokanai koe
The voice doesn't arrive

狂おしい無力 (2:59)
kuruoshii bu ryoku
Going mad without power

変えれぬ逆侖 (3:04)
kae renu saka rin
Change what you think

逆巻く世界 (3:07)
saka maku sekai
The world that surges

道標だけ頼りに歩き続ける (3:10)
michishirube da ke tanori ni aruri tsuzuku
I continue to walk on relying only on a sign


まどか (3:17)

たったー人の,私の反達 (3:24)
tattaa hito no, watashi no tan tachi
The only one, My anti-accomplishment

anata no... anata no tame nara
you... you're good

watashi ha mizu too no meiro ni tojikome rare te mo
I am locked up in a maze of distant water

構わない (3:40)
It doesn't matter

本当の気持ちなんて,伝えられるわけないのよ (3:46)
hontou no kimochi nante, tsutae rareru wake nai no yo
I cannot convey this true feeling


あなたを守ると誓ったあの日 (3:55)
anata wo mamoru to chikatta ano hi
That day you vowed to protect

忘れないよ (4:03)
wasurenai yo
Then to forget it

交わした約束を果たす為に (4:06)
kawashita yakusoku wo hatasu tameni
To achieve the promise that I exchanged

今も彷徨っている (4:10)
Imamo samayotte iru
I'm still wandering

たったひとつ残った願い (4:16)
tatta hitotsu nokotta negai
With only one wish left

どうか どうか消えないで (4:21)
douka douka kie nai de
Please, please don't disappear

たとえ行く手に (4:26)
tatoe yukute ni
Even if in one's path

絶望が待っていても (4:29)
zetsubou ga matte i te mo
Despair awaits

ずっと独りでも c (4:33)
zutto hitori demo
Alone so far away

繰り返せば繰り返すほど (4:36)
kurikaese ba kurikaesu modo
Repeating and repeating

あなたと私が過ごした時間はずれていく (4:40)
anata to watashi ga sugoshita jikan hazurete iku
You and I, the time we spent slips away

気持ちもずれて (4:44)
kimochi mo zure te
Our feelings are out of sync

言葉も通じなくなっていく (4:50)
kotoba mo tsuuji naku nat te iku
And the words as well

繰り返せば (4:57)
kurikaese ba

それだけまどかの因果増える (5:02)
soredake madoka no inga fueru
That much Madoka will increase your karma

私のやってきたことは,結局... (5:09)
watashi no yatteki ta koto ha, kekkyoku...
You are coming along, after all...

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